Positive Emotion

The first letter in the PERMA model (Seligman, 2012) is P, for "Positive Emotion." Increasing the feeling of positive emotion can promote resilience and overall well-being. The exercises demonstrated in the infographics below provide step-by-step guidance for fostering 6 different positive emotions in your daily life.

Which positive emotion are you looking to cultivate?

1. Gratitude: Compose a text of gratitude to someone you care about.

2. Pride: Make a list of accomplishments you are proud of and also recognize and savor these moments and the hard work they took to complete. 

3. Joy: Think of an activity that made you joyful and try to recreate it with friends

4. Interest: Choose a topic you are passionate about and explore this topic with a friend.

5. Hope: Recall a time when you were successful, how did you get there? Can you apply this to the future?

6: Love: Savor a memory with a loved one and think about how it made you feel connected to and present with them. 

Thank you to Marisa F. for this Infographic.

Thank you to Bernadette D. for this Infographic.

Thank you to Katie K. for this infographic!

Thank you to Riya S. for creating this infographic!


Intro to Flourishing

